MAESTRALE – Using GIS to locate marine areas suitable for the deployment of BE installations in Greece

The MAESTRALE project is funded within the framework of Priority Axis n. 1 of Interreg MED 2014-2020 Programme, with eight participating countries and a Greek partner of the School of Architecture of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. Participants in the program work together to identify prospects for the development of blue energy in the Mediterranean,...

Public Lecture: Giorgos Triantafyllou

TRAILS OF READING ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND ARTISTIC EPISODES _THE CONCEPT OF “POETIC TIME” IN ARCHITECTURE Tuesday April, 2, 2019_ 19:00 _ Lecture Room 301 Abstract The subject of this lecture focuses on four diverse cases of unique architectural, artistic and archaeological chapters whose common characteristics relate to the trails created and time to assimilate. Clearly demarcated,...

Public Lecture: Dr. Arch. Edna Langenthal / Architectural Indicators: the horizon of place memory /

“We may live without her (architecture), and worship without her, but we cannot remember without her”. The Seven Lamps of Architecture, John Ruskin Nowadays, when architecture has difficulty connecting to its past and seeing architectural acts as some sort of indicator for contemporary interpretation, it seems ephemeral and detached from the ethical principles of architecture,...

Public lecture “The Finnish example towards the “open” school: Ethical-Architectural foundations” / Konstantinos Xanthopoulos

Tuesday 20 November 2018, 19:00, Lecture Room 301 The “open school” as a concept, philosophy and vision is now steadily moving forward in culturally advanced countries, with progressive, flexible and adaptable educational programs such as, for example, in Finland. The implementation of the “open” school requires an “open” society and education with corresponding institutional and...

Aristotelis Dimitrakopoulos “Eutectonics: Groundless and Disintelligible”

    Aristotelis Dimitrakopoulos is an Associate Professor of Architecture and Urban Design at the Department of Architecture, University of Ioannina, Greece. Aristotelis [born: Athens GR, 1974] graduated in 1998 as an Architect-Engineer [Professional Dipl. Arch. Eng.] from the National Technical University of Athens School of Architecture and earned his Master of Architecture degree from...

APPLY NOW for Maya-Grasshopper Workshop ArchitectScripta @Benaki Museum on July 2018 Athens Greece _ RetroFiction

Dear Students and Colleagues,  I would like to bring to your attention the upcoming International Workshop of Advanced Architectural Design ‘RetroFiction‘, based on Maya and Grasshopper techniques. ArchitectScripta is organizing a Design Workshop on July 2018 in Athens, Greece taught by ArchitectScripta Team. ArchitectScripta Workshop refers to Students of Architecture and Art, Professional Architects, Designers and Artists.  APPLY NOW for an eleven days...

MAESTRALE project – Blue energy technologies

One of the main targets of MAESTRALE project, with the School of Architecture of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki representing Greece, is to incorporate blue energy technologies (ΒΕΤ) in the Mediterranean area. The main types of BET are – offshore wind energy – wave energy – tidal energy – ocean thermal energy – osmotic power...

Mediterranean Mimar Sinan Prize

Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University and MED 21 Program have been carrying out the “Mediterranean Mimar Sinan Prize” Program since 2014 in order to support architectural studies that emphasize common cultural circumstances among Mediterranean countries. The program of this year, by which there will be given the third prize, will be organized in two categories,...

MAESTRALE: Introducing Blue Energy in the Mediterranean

MAESTRALE: Introducing blue energy in the Mediterranean Despite the growing interest and the number of existing studies and applications in the field of blue energy both in Europe and globally, there is a lack of initiatives and operational plans in the Mediterranean. Funded under Interreg MED 2014-2020 – Priority Axis 1 (Innovation), MAESTRALE aims to...

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