Διαγωνισμός: Submit to Rosa Barba Casanovas International Landscape Architecture Prize 2023

Open for submission

The Rosa Barba Casanovas International Landscape Architecture Prize aims at recognising the best and most innovative practices in Landscape Architecture, for build projects created worldwide from 2017 to 2022. The deadline is  May 30, 2023

All selected projects will be published in the Biennial Book-catalogue, will be part of an exhibition and will be included in the Biennial’s online archive. Furthermore, the Prize seeks to award with honours a set of 7 to 11 finalists that will be invited as guest lecturers to the 12th Barcelona Biennial Symposium (November 27-28, 2023). The winner will be rewarded by the International Jury with an endowment of 15000 EUR, thanks to the collaboration of Banc Sabadell Foundation.

Submit your projects now
Easy registration with a one-time fee of 90 EUR


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