Tratsela Maria

Studies - Τitles
   I studied architecture in the School of Architecture, Faculty of Εmgineering, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (1989 – 1995). I graduated in 1995 and continued my studies in Landscape Architecture (MLA), Edinburgh College of Art, Heriot-Watt University (1995-97). I was awarded of a Doctor’s degree in Architecture, AUTh (2011).

I have taken seminar lessons in computer design programs AutoCAD (1998), Arc/Info and Arc View (2001), in the use of bibliographic basis «Scopus» (2008). I am user of other graphic applications (Adobe Photoshop 7, Corel DRAW 10 and office applications (Word, Excel, Power Point, Outlook, Internet Explorer, Outlook Express, Acrobat Reader etc.).

I have followed seminars in the research of open space (Open Space Seminars), Edinburgh School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture (ESALA), University of Edinburgh (2009).

I speak, read and write in English and French.

Teaching experience
   On undergraduate level, since 1998 I teach in the studio courses 2Σ4.04 (winter semester) and 2Σ4.05 (summer semester) ‘Landscape design of urban open spaces’ (Prof. Μ. Αnaniadou – Τzimopoulou) in the School of Architecture, Faculty of Engineering, AUTh, as a collaborator (1998-2000), as a tutor (Π.Δ. 407/80) (2000-2003), as lecturer of the Architecture School  (2004 until today) and the theory course 2Θ3.43 ‘Landscape Architecture, Design of urban open spaces’ since 2011 until today (with the Prof Μ. Αnaniadou – Τzimopoulou).

I also teach autonomously the course 433Ε ‘Τechnical Drawing’, in the School of Agriculture, Faculty of Agriculture, Forestry and Environment AUTh (2013 until today) and the course ‘Landscape and Archaeologies: Design and planning issues of archaeological sites’, (2012 and 2013) in the 5th Excavating Summer School, School of History and Archaeology, Facutly of Philosophy AUTh.

On postgraduate level, I teach since 2003 the course ΤΤ.301 ”Construction Techniques in Landscape Design”, Postgraduate Program in Landscape Architecture ΑUTh (with the Prof. Ν. Τsinikas, the visiting prof. Ch. Tzimopoulos and N. Gravanis).

During my four-month sabbatical (3-5/2009) I participated as a visiting tutor in the crits of the undergraduate (MA1 and MA5) and postgraduate (MLA2) courses  in landscape architecture in Edinburgh School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture, University of Edinburgh.

Since my nomination as Lecturer of the Architecture School, AUTh in 2004 (ΦΕΚ 200/17-8-2005 τ.ΝΠΔΔ), I supervised autonomously seventeen final design projects (three in progress) – and five more as an advisor. Two out of the seventeen projects participated in 5 Panhellenic and European exhibitions, where they were awarded the 2nd prize. I have also supervised 12 theses (three in progress) and five Master theses in the Postgraduate Program in Landscape Architecture, ΑUTh.

Scientific and Research activity

-  I participated in four academic research programs of AUTh (2000 – 2002), (2000 – 2003), (2004), (2008) and in two international Forums/Workshops (2012, 2013).

- Since 1998 until today I have attended seventeen scientific conferences/meetings in total and presented thirteen papers.  In four of them, I participated as an invited speaker.

- I took part in one exhibition (1999) and two architectural design competitions (1999) (2013 Honorable Mention).

- I have seven publications in conference proceedings after review, three in scientific magazines and four in books or honorable editions.

- I have been a member of organizing and/or scientific committees of conferences (2), exhibition (1), design competition (1), elections in Universities (2) and for a book review (1).

Design projects
   Since 1997 until 2000 I collaborated with design offices and companies in Thessaloniki, where I participated in the design of private and public projects, including the redesign and extension of a Hotel, landscape restoration, planning and design for reservoirs, highways etc.

Since 1998 I have autonomously completed several private landscape architecture projects (all constructed) of residences, summer camp, playground etc. and two public projects of archaeological parks (under construction).

Design competitions/awards
   I have participated in 2 architectural competitions, and have received one Honorary Mention (award).



Assistant Professor

Subject Areas:
Landscape Architecture


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