Dousi Maria

Short Curriculum Vitae


Architect Engineer, School of Architectute, Faculty of Engineering, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, (1988).

Msc in architecture: specialization in conservation of historic towns and buildings, Catholic University of Leuven, (K.U.L.) Belgium, R. Lemaire Centre for the Conservation of Historic Towns and Buildings (R.L.C.C.), (1995).

PhD in  Construction History and Restoration, School of Architecture, Faculty of Enginnering, Democritus University of Thrace, (2013). Title: "The use of iron in architecture from the late 18th to the early 20th century. Investigation of historical iron building systems in Northern Greece"

Academic Position:

Associate Professor of Architectural design, Restoration and Reuse of Historic Buildings and Sites, at the School of Architecture of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. She is also teaching at the Interdisciplinary Post-Graduate Program, Faculty of Engineering, A.U.Th.: "Protection, Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Monuments", as well as in other national and international postgraduate programs.

Research Interests:

Her main research interests are focused on issues related to theoretical and methodological matters of restoration and reuse of historic buildings, rehabilitation and redesign areas of historic interest, historic building systems, contemporary architectural interventions in historic buildings and sites, contemporary restoration technologies, protection and reuse of industrial heritage.  She also investigates through research programs, workshops and seminars, the documentation, management and redesign of architectural heritage. She has organized a series of conferences, workshops and exhibitions on matters related to the protection and enhancement of the architectural heritage and the management of public space.


Her researches and studies have been published in the proceedings of international and national conferences and in scientific journals peer view (61 scientific publications). She is the author of 2 monographs and she was also a member of the editing committee in Proceedings of Conferences.

Professional experience:

She has conducted numerous architectural projects and researches focused on issues related to restoration of historic buildings and sites, many of which have been implemented. Her applied work has been presented in architectural exhibitions. She participated in architectural competitions and won awards and distinctions.  (participation in 16 architectural competitions, in which she has won 4 first, 4 second, 2 third and 1 fourth prize, 4 acquisitions and 1 honorable mention).




Associate Professor

Subject Areas
Architectural design. Restoration and reuse of historic buildings and sites


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