APPLY NOW for Maya-Grasshopper Workshop ArchitectScripta December 2017 Athens Greece _ RetroCOuleur

Dear Students, Friends and Colleagues,
I would like to bring to your attention the upcoming International Workshop of Advanced Architectural Design ‘RetroCOUleur’, based on Maya and Grasshopper techniques. ArchitectScripta is organizing a Design Workshop in December 2017 in Athens, Greece taught by ArchitectScripta Team.
ArchitectScripta Workshop refers to Students of Architecture and Art, Professional Architects, Designers and Artists.
APPLY NOW for an eleven days Winter Architectural Program by email at
You may find more information here  and previous Workshop results in the attached PDF.
RetroCOUleur Workshop starts from the 11th until the 21st of December 2017, hosted by the Benaki Museum, under the auspices of the Hellenic Institute of Architecture and the Athens School of Fine Arts.

More information could be found here:

Registration is OPEN now by email at
Please connect with us in Facebook
With Regards,
Nefeli Chatzimina & ArchitectScripta Team
Principal ArchitectSripta |
PhD Candidate NTUAthens
MSc Columbia University New York City
Lecturer University of Southern California Los Angeles
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